Join FRD

Interested in Joining?


Click the button below to fill our our interest form.  Our recruitment team will be notified once submitted.  They will then reach out to you to answer any questions you have and provide you the details to our next open recruitment event. 


Attend an open recruitment event.  These events are held the first Monday of every month.  At this event our recruitment team will provide details about membership, gear, practice dates/times, and so much more.  The event often overlaps with a league scrimmage day so you can get a front row seat as to what to expect. 


Purchase and/or otherwise obtain required gear - skates, helmet, wrist guards, knee pads, elbow pads, and a mouth guard.  Our recruitment team can provide you more details about the gear needed.   We also have a limited supply of loaner gear available. 


Access our practice schedule and attend a practice.  Our recruitment team will provide you guidance on how to access our practice schedule.  Once in, users can RSVP to practice then show up ready to learn everything about roller derby.